sandi and mike are married! roberto clemente bridge wedding

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of photographing the first ever wedding on the Roberto Clemente Bridge! The bridge was closed early in the day for the Pirates game, but since the game wasn’t until the evening, it was mostly unoccupied all day, especially for their early afternoon ceremony.

It was a perfect day, with amazing weather and a wonderful breeze. Enjoy these images!Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer - Roberto Clemente Bridge Wedding - Unique wedding venues Pittsburgh downtown1Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer - Roberto Clemente Bridge Wedding - Unique wedding venues Pittsburgh downtown2

The bride’s parents were unable to travel here for the wedding due to health reasons, but they were FaceTimed into the ceremony and they even dressed up in their wedding clothes at home! The sweetest thing!
Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer - Roberto Clemente Bridge Wedding - Unique wedding venues Pittsburgh downtown3Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer - Roberto Clemente Bridge Wedding - Unique wedding venues Pittsburgh downtown4Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer - Roberto Clemente Bridge Wedding - Unique wedding venues Pittsburgh downtown5Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer - Roberto Clemente Bridge Wedding - Unique wedding venues Pittsburgh downtown6Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer - Roberto Clemente Bridge Wedding - Unique wedding venues Pittsburgh downtown7Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer - Roberto Clemente Bridge Wedding - Unique wedding venues Pittsburgh downtown8Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer - Roberto Clemente Bridge Wedding - Unique wedding venues Pittsburgh downtown9Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer - Roberto Clemente Bridge Wedding - Unique wedding venues Pittsburgh downtown10

The couple enjoyed an intimate reception dinner at Hyde Park, and they attended the Pittsburgh Pirates game that evening.Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer - Roberto Clemente Bridge Wedding - Unique wedding venues Pittsburgh downtown11

Congratulations to the newlyweds! Your wedding day couldn’t have turned out more wonderfully!

Venues: Roberto Clemente Bridge, Hyde Park Steakhouse

Photographer: Custom Portraits by Charlene

Florist: Flowerama

Bakery: Prantl’s

Bridal gown: BCBG

Groom’s attire: LL Bean

Honeymoon: St. Lucia

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